I wish that I could wake you, skin to skin
I know you think you see the word I’ll use
But words won’t be the way that I’ll begin
To wake you. There are other ways to choose
I watch you, as your dreams envelope mine
I love the way you dream of us; it’s real
I sit and watch you watching me, supine
I know your hand is placed where you can feel
My heart. My heart belongs to you; it beats
In sync with your compassion and your care
Your presence is the beauty which completes
The meaning of my life; you take me there
If happiness and joy can come like this
I’ll wake you to receive my morning kiss.
Good Morning
May 11th, 2011Sweet Wine Kisses
May 9th, 2011Her lips are like a wine, her kisses sweet
She tilts her head within my cupping hands
My fingers feel her neck; my heart will beat
As quickly as her passion’s pulse demands
To taste her lips intoxicates my soul
I want to drink her deeply; I will feel
The giddyness of losing self control
While knowing that her mouth, her lips, are real
There is no wine that ever will compare
With her sweet mouth when touching teeth and tongue
I wish I knew exactly when and where
Her lips were made and how they stayed so young
To taste her kiss is sweeter than the wine
We shared tonight; I want her to be mine.
The Grace of Love
May 8th, 2011My heart is like a song I want to sing
I think I found the right one, grace for grace
She came to me like summer follows Spring
I still can feel her comfort’s warm embrace
She kissed me, and her passion matched my own
I didn’t plan to fall in love tonight
But now I know her grace, I should have known
That loving her would happen, and it’s right
The song I want to sing, that’s in my heart
is rhythmic, like the heartbeat of a man
who wants to be in love, but not apart
from her. I must devise a graceful plan
To be with you. To call you mine. It’s true
I found your grace, and I’m in love with you.
Sometimes I Write Shit Poetry
May 7th, 2011From time to time I look below my thoughts
I sometimes find the depth of what I feel
Frustration ties my heart in ugly knots
As I express emotions that are real
Like anger, which conforms to bloody heat
Embarrasses my reason with its gore
Emotions unexpressed are incomplete
I think that’s what sonnettics may be for
My lack of sleep is marked by lack of dreams
The cords that bind my heart are things I’ve lost
No matter what I find or do, it seems
I’d rather cut the cords at any cost
I’m just a damn good poet, not a saint
Sometimes I’m like an artist without paint.
Rediscovering Your Love
May 5th, 2011Too sweet to leave alone, I need you near
I’ve been a fool to push your love away
Your love for me is more than crystal clear
Like sunshine at the start of every day
Too warm to wake when sleeping by your side
Your heat is comfort; night is never cold
I need your heart, your hands, to be my guide
To lead me to your joy, like purest gold
Too beautiful to hide my simple face
I need your beauty’s kiss; I need to be
Within the precious warmth of your embrace
There’s more to you than even I could see
Our love’s forever; this is how I knew
The sweetness, warmth, and beauty which are you.
My Love is Precious
May 4th, 2011My Love is precious, rare, and incomplete
I need to give my lover more and more
Her love for me’s the same and more; it’s sweet
Like sugar in my coffee, she will pour
Her love into my soul where it belongs
I’ll give her mine, like diamonds in a ring
We’ll dance to music from our lover’s songs
We’ll dance until we can’t, but then we’ll sing
The words of love are music to our hearts
She gives me hers; I listen; they are mine
The harmony and melody she starts
Complete my Love because she’s so divine
I only love my lover; I’m her man
I live to give the Love her heart began.
The Word is God
May 4th, 2011Of course I like to write, the Word is God
I like to place these Gods in pretty lines
Some people think my sacrilege is odd
But sacrilege as poetry combines
The best and worst of all I have to say
It isn’t odd; it comes right from my heart
It’s sacrilege when shit gets in the way
Like silence. Life’s a gift, a spoken art
It’s Irony that atheist’s a word
It’s Irony to say there is no God
All atheists are deaf; they’ve never heard
The poetry that some folks think is odd
Beginning with a word, I will create
Eternal life; the Word of God is great!
Losing to Normalcy
May 4th, 2011She left because I couldn’t tell her why
My disposition changed from time to time
I’m sure she thinks it’s all some fucking lie
And normalcy’s an easy hill to climb
I hate to watch her go; I wish she’d stay
And help me climb this easy little hill
But now I have to watch her walk away
I want her to come back; she never will
Who even thinks it matters if I fall?
To trip on normalcy’s a fucking joke
Come watch this clown, come laugh, come one, come all!
Insanity’s a cry I might invoke
I don’t know why I’ve changed into this clown
But normalcy is up and I am down.
Knowing and Guessing
May 3rd, 2011I don’t know who I am or what I need
I don’t know what is real and what is not
My life is not a game; I won’t concede
I’m angry at some things my life has brought
Enough about me, let’s consider you
Do you know what you need and who you are?
If knowing this is life, I wish I knew
I’d like to hold you near. Don’t be so far
Away from me. I hope I didn’t scare
You off. I need to chill with what I say
Come take a risk; It isn’t Truth or Dare
It’s not a game, but still we have to play
I guess I’m just a guy who likes to write
I guess I need to be with you tonight.
May 2nd, 2011She’s mine, though unexplained, She brings me joy
While showing me the choices that She needs
For me to make, the actions to employ
To bring her to my world; my heart concedes
It doesn’t know the words that fill my mind
And yet, it feels what’s unexplained, but true
She looks into my heart and Hopes to find
The Love for her I felt, but never knew
She’s more than thoughts of words; She is a dream
A dream that lives within my sleeping soul
Her weariness of time will never seem
as real as words expressed without control
She wishes She could go; her wish is mine
I’ll sing to her; I know She is divine.