Forever’s more than just a lot of time
In Love is more than just the way we feel
Like poetry is more than just a rhyme
All this, and more, my angel will reveal
Each time I feel her rhyme; I need to write
To try to find a metaphor as rich
As all the gold and diamonds; I invite
My mind to delve through every tiny niche
There’s more to us than you and me, alone
We’re not alone; forever makes us whole
Your voice is more than words upon my phone
I own your heart, your body, and your soul
What’s yours is mine; what’s mine is yours, as well
To be apart forever would be hell.
Forever, More
May 18th, 2011Obscurity
May 17th, 2011Obscurity is dull, like marking time
I don’t believe it’s lonely at the top
Obscurity surrounds me as I climb
I wish there was a cliff where I could drop
Obscurity, I wouldn’t even blink
I’d laugh to see it scattered far below
Obscurity’s aware of what I think
And doesn’t even seem to want to go
It smells just like I stepped in something bad
I guess I’ll stop and scrape it from my shoe
I know it thinks it took the chance I had
But chances come, no matter what I do
I’m built to climb to fame; I’m strong and fast
Obscurity may be, but it won’t last.
My Life–Act II, Scene I
May 16th, 2011My life proceeds like something like a play
I guess I wrote it, but I act as well
I think I wrote the lines I need to say
I also wrote an act where I’m in hell
I guess I wrote the devil’s lines and scenes
I can’t believe I wrote him in at all
And no one understands just what it means
When from an angel’s arms I slip and fall
I want to shine in heaven, like a star
I want my leading lady at my side
But heaven is a distant hope, too far
To marry her, and hear, “now kiss the bride”
It’s like a play, and yet, my life is real
I write, I act, but most of all, I feel.
My Scheme
May 15th, 2011I am my scheme; it’s what I plan to be
My goals, my dreams, my wishes, all are mine
They’re mine, and more than that, they all are me
They’re not just words; they’re words that are divine
I do my best to follow where they lead
I’ll make the most important ones come first
They’re more than what I want; they’re what I need
They get me through the best of times and worst
I wish that I could make my dreams come true
I hope I set the goals I can achieve
I love it when I dream of me and you
You’ve shown me things in which I can believe
My life’s a map; I’ll use it for my scheme
And watch as it conforms with every dream.
My Turn
May 15th, 2011My turn is when I change; it comes and goes
Like changing from my bike to run, or worse
From bike to nearly dead; nobody knows
The loss of that transition was a curse!
But now I’ve turned; I’m on a different road
My journey still proceeds from place to place
It didn’t stop my progress, merely slowed
My journey for a moment, but my pace
Is mine; I’ll pick it up and finish strong
My journey is my life; it’s full of turns
They bring me to the places I belong
My heart will find the place for which it yearns
My turn is more than just a simple change
I love the way it makes me rearrange.
My Pulse
May 15th, 2011I am my pulse; I feel my heart express
Emotions in a constant, rhythmic beat
The strongest, and the deepest one, I guess
Is love; it comes as warmth, or passion’s heat
It marks my life the way a clock marks time
My pulse is flesh and blood; it’s fast and strong
To find a matching pulse would be sublime
I need a rhythmic pulse to match my song
I feel my pulse when running in a race
It gets me to the finish line to win!
It brings the warmth of color to my face
When touched by love, I feel my pulse begin
Come, put your hand upon my chest and feel
My pulse; it lets me know my life is real.
My Song
May 15th, 2011I am my song; I’m beautiful to sing
Although, I know, sometimes my notes are flat
Like birds announcing morning, when they bring
The dawn; I hope my song will come like that
I want to be a lullaby to you
Come, fall asleep within my melody
My song is sung while you are dreaming too
I hope your dreams are musical, like me
I’m not a hymn, but angels like to hear
My song; I’ll try to make it worth their time
I love it when an angel draws me near
And tells me that she finds my song sublime
I want to be in harmony with life
And sing my song in joy and never strife.
Love’s Fabric
May 13th, 2011I know she feels my pain; I love her choice
I know she feels my joy; I love her more
I hear the constant love within her voice
She knows she chooses words I won’t ignore
And yet, she doesn’t choose them just for me
She chooses them because she knows they’re true
Her voice displays her heart exquisitely
With colors that her loving words imbue
I’ve touched the silken fabric that she chose
I’ve never felt such softness bearing strength
Her fabric is the warmth of my repose
To feel it, I would go to any length
And yet, she gives her love to me, like this
She wraps my heart, then lingers for a kiss.
Sonnettic Wine
May 12th, 2011Gewürztraminer doesn’t taste as sweet
As Riesling, but it tastes like wine that knows
The way to make a poet’s night complete
By altering the way his sonnet flows
The alterations trapped within his glass
Taste richer than the words he likes to use
He’s drunk enough to kick somebody’s ass!
But writing is the act he’ll choose to choose
His rhymes will flow like grapes that have been pressed
And left to fermentation’s witless voice
His metaphors and similes are stressed
And yet, he has to drink; he has no choice
Unless he wants the words around his head
To fly away tonight while he’s in bed.
My Sun
May 12th, 2011She gives me more than light, to start each day
Without Her, everything is dark and cold
I love it, when She chases clouds away
And turns the sky a brighter shade of gold
Her golden sky protects my fragile clime
But still, I like to feel Her warmth, Her dawn
Each day with Her is new; they’re all sublime
She comes and then the night is simply gone!
I want to plant a garden, watch it grow
Beneath the love and grace of Sunshine’s care
Her flower is the sweetest one I know
Wherever Sunshine’s gold, Sunflower’s there!
Our garden will be full, my journey, done
And more than see Her light, we’ll feel the Sun.