Your Landscape Portrait

July 11th, 2011

The landscape of your portrait is the place
We sat and shared our mouths, beside the lake
I saw the sunlit beauty of your face
And hoped it was a picture I could take
But all my words are pale, compared to you
So, I just held your perfect hand and walked
I loved the path we chose; I loved the view
I also loved it when we sat and talked
You let me read some portraits I’d composed
And as I read, my words became the hues
Of rainbows which the sunlight had exposed
Above the landscape, which became my muse
The landscape of your portrait showed me more
Than any beauty I had seen before.


July 8th, 2011

I shot interpretations at her heart
My accuracy shifted when expressed
And though I chose a sleek, metallic dart
Intentions were mercurial, at best
The aim of my interpretation failed
And even if it didn’t, I was screwed
Although I could control the way it sailed
Its meaning fell apart, was misconstrued
I took a second shot, but used a blank
It scared her, then we laughed, and then we cried
I’ve never used so serious a prank
If I’d have used a bullet, she’d have died!
I put my gun away; we had a drink
I thought of love, but didn’t want to think.

Don’t Fall In Love With A Poet

July 4th, 2011

Don’t fall in love with anyone like me
I tend to write my feelings when they come
I try to make them into poetry
You’ll feel my words, unless your heart is numb
My words can last forever on a page
Forever is for love, it’s not for verse
Imagine, when you’re twenty times your age
My feelings are still readable.  Perverse!
It’s true, there’s often beauty when I write
But wait, there’s ugly anger here as well
You needn’t be reminded of our fight
It’s like some constant journey down through Hell!
Go give your love to someone who’s immune
From publishing their feelings when they swoon!


July 4th, 2011

In countless years, will anybody know
How bravely and how fiercely I could write?
Achilles battled Trojans long ago
But didn’t give a damn who came to fight
His talent was the death of other men
He rose beyond Olympus and the gods
His name adorned the stars when now was then
And still his name is given knowing nods
My talent doesn’t make combatants bleed
Although I’ve broken hearts with just my verse
My pen becomes my sword in such a deed
So take my words for better or for worse
In countless years i hope my words are real
And that they’ll go beyond Achilles’ heel.


July 3rd, 2011

I want to live a life of love and joy
I used to live without their precious hope
I know I said “I’m just a stupid boy”
But “stupid boy” is just a slippery slope!
Directionless, I often fuck things up
Like sailing through the night without the stars
Like putting tea into a coffee cup
I tend to try to make “my” tempest “ours”
You’re patient when you teach me of the path
And of the way to follow where it leads
I still regret the messy aftermath
Of spilling out my life with my misdeeds
You’ve shown me how to clean, and not to spill
To find the love and joy of life. I will!

We Meet – Song

July 2nd, 2011

She felt so warm; I tried to understand
Her hand was soft; her voice was soft and sweet
So much of my life now has been unplanned
I sat, but didn’t know that we would meet
So warm a girl was beautiful and nice
I wondered if my hand was warm to her
Her daughter made me smile, not once, but twice
I hoped that my intentions weren’t obscure
She felt like more than poetry to me
We shared our pain, we shared compassion too
The moment wasn’t awkward; we were free
I wish I had some wishes that she knew
Warm Stranger, I would love to know you more
You may be what a second chance is for.

As Close as We Can Be – Song

July 2nd, 2011

I wanted her to wait, and yet I knew
Uncertainty would take her where it would
I saw her off; she faded from my view
I thought our love was simply understood
Oh, I thought our love was simply understood

But fate could give a damn what things we want
It took her far away; now I’m alone
We felt each other, almost like a taunt
We loved each other, but we should have known
that separation always has a cost
we may not want to pay, and yet we must
She journeyed far away; our love was lost
regardless of our faith and of our trust
But if her journey brings her back to me
I’ll hold her tight, as close as we can be.

It’s Over Now – Song

July 2nd, 2011

It’s over now, I know’cuz I can feel
her missing skin and hear her quiet breath
I can’t imagine anything as real
as lying by her side; alone is death
Come put me in a grave, alone and cold
It’s just the same as how I feel today
I’m just a story no one ever told
Alone, I’m words that she will never say
It’s dark, and I remember when the light
revealed my lover’s beauty, like the dawn
By her, the world was golden, warm, and bright
But now I lie awake and she is gone
I feel my lover, soft within my heart
I hope she feels me now that we’re apart.

It’s over now; it’s hard to say, she said
It’s over now; what we once had is dead
It’s over now; I’ve gotta live somehow
I’m tired, but I just want it over now.

Distant Lover – Song

July 1st, 2011

This is a sonnet series I am working on for a ballad.

A. The old distant lover (previously discovered)
B. The new distant lover (just discovered)
D. Her POV

  1. I’m alone
  2. I see you
  3. I try to talk myself out of you because of the distance
  4. You get closer
  5. We meet
  6. Why are you still moving away?
  7. You like me, but you have to keep moving
  8. I try to talk you out of moving away
  9. I try to talk you into staying still for me

10. She falls into me (or not)
11. She falls away from what she was moving for (or not)

I saw the sun explode behind the trees
At dusk, before I dragged myself to bed.
I felt a surge of promised distant peace,
But something else slipped in my weary head.

Perhaps the shade of purple in the cloud
The sun had touched was just one shade too dark.
Perhaps the distant rain fell like a shroud
Upon some distant lovers in some park.

I know the vision that my eyes beheld
Was missed by many others on that night,
As all the highest joys the scene compelled
Collapsed before the sun withdrew his light.

From where I stood such beauty should be clear
Unless it was refracted by a tear.

Riesling Kiss – Song

July 1st, 2011

This is the one David and I are working on. He crafted a nice melody. I’ll post it as soon as I can.

There’s time for one more glass of Riesling wine
as time begins to fade into the taste
of complicated sweetness we define
in timelessness, devoid of bitter haste.
Aromas gather slowly in the dim
of twilight of the presence of the thought
of lips that linger lightly on the brim
of sweetness and the essences now caught:
the musk of sunlight captured in the skin
of fruit from fertile vineyards far away,
the tang of inspiration from within
a bottled soul, consumed like night by day.


I drink my love and lose my self control
The bouqet of her kiss is mine, all mine
I taste her in my mouth and in my soul
The way I like to taste a noble wine
The soft and subtle glow of nurtured bliss
compels her to release a Riesling kiss.