The Call

May 17th, 2012

It’s dark and I am walking toward the night.
The streets are slick with rain and heavy mist
I only see reflections of the light
which blends into the asphalt, which is kissed
by songs too cheap and tawdry for the day,
whose melodies are flickering and cold.
And yet they’re loud enough to guide the way
into the dark of night, where I am told
that god no longer hears my footsteps fall
and I no longer care if god can hear,
because my soul has heard another call
that has no need of faith; it’s loud and clear.
It pierces me with certainty. My breath
is measured now. The call is simply death.

Minor changes.
First Published below on Nov 20, 2008

It’s dark and I am walking toward the night.
The streets are slick with mists and heavy sighs.
I only see reflections of the light
which blends into the asphalt, the reprise
of songs too cheap and tawdry for the day,
whose melodies are flickering and cold.
And yet they’re loud enough to guide the way
into the dark, the night, where I am told
that god no longer hears my footsteps fall
and I no longer care if god can hear,
because my soul has heard another call
that has no need of faith; it’s loud and clear.
It pierces me with certainty. ; My breath
is measured now. ; The call is simply death.

Love’s Confirmation

May 9th, 2012

Confirm my hands again and let me hold
Your confirmation’s quintessential heat
Confirm my heart with tales of love retold
With words your confirmation would repeat
Address your love to me a silent vow
Semantic dissipation laced with tears
Stand closely by my window in the now
And tap upon the glass a thousand years
And I will watch your lamplight like a dream
That casts its glow upon my steady hands
To see your confirmation brightly beam
And echo shadows of my love’s demands
To touch the words my thoughts have long transgressed
And place my subtle tears upon your breast

First Published on: Apr 6, 2006

Opus–The Quintessence of Poetry

May 1st, 2012

There are no words. The air, as thin as lines
composed of quintessential, distant dreams
is probably the path, devoid of signs
which flows beside our quintessential streams.
There are no words; The paths and streams converge.
A prophecy of silence draws me in.
Surrender is the quintessential urge
that marks the end where thus I can begin.
The words that form are beautiful and bright
like pearls and diamonds strung on silver thread.
They sparkle in the quintessential night
that quintessential darkness overhead.
And in the quiet birth of every word
a hint of quintessential faith is heard.

First published on: Jan 4, 2008 @ 21:17
(minor grammatical changes)

Meditation on the Death of a Sparrow

April 21st, 2012

Tonight a small gray bird lay at my door
An omen in the way its feet were curled
It sang at dawn but won’t sing anymore
So, one more song is taken from the world
I wonder if god watched it as it died
Received its soul, its song, with loving grace
I wonder if the cat had been denied
If half the world would now be out of place
Irreverently, I kicked the bird away
To where it would be eaten by the ants
And only vaguely wondered when my day
Would dawn to such a common circumstance
I spent the night in quiet reverie
And stroked the cat which slept upon my knee

First Published on: Sep 16, 2008 @ 6:57

Paean to my Muse

April 21st, 2012

Her breath becomes her voice, becomes her song
The air becomes a beauty to perceive
She shapes it right where others shape it wrong
And silent doubts give way to just believe
My god, She pulls the life from where it starts
Directs it in its rise of fertile grace
True time becomes the Now Her voice imparts
It fills the barren void of empty space
Her song creates the world. Her song is joy
It resonates like something like a soul
Her song transcends devices some employ
Like simple mortal poets, less than whole
Her breath becomes Her voice, becomes Her song
Shaped right, eternal beauty all along.

Surreal Again

April 17th, 2012

Is this my life? It still seems so surreal
Who plans to turn reality to “sur?”
It’s just a word like blades are only steel
All words know how to split or else demur
My life depends on all that I perceive
Perceptions twist reality around
This volta is the sonnet I retrieve
Without my feet upon the solid ground
I guess I’m not a song; I’m just a turn
I’ve turned my life to rhythm and to rhyme
I’d turn it to a tree, but it might burn
I’d turn it to a rock, but that takes time
I don’t have time to understand the word
I guess that’s why “surreal” seems so absurd.

Bull Run Run

April 14th, 2012

The trees at Wolf Run Shoals give peace and shade
To all the runners on the Bull Run Run
The food and water that we brought gives aid
To runners who’ve done more than just begun

The wind blows through the branches to retrieve
Its voice, and by its lofty voice, prevails
It tells a tale that no one would believe
Of runners who traverse these wooded trails

These runners run a race they won’t forget
They come to run for fifty miles of race
For fifty miles there’s power in their sweat
Their sweat contributes power to this place

The trees at Wolf Run Shoals provide their best
To runners and the power they’ve expressed.

Dedicated to the VHTRC for putting on a great race at Bull Run.

Don’t Waste Time

April 12th, 2012

Don’t waste your time, or someone’s that you loved
When something’s over, don’t go looking back
Your heart was pushed away or even shoved
Such matters of the heart will fade to black

Don’t waste my time by crying on my shirt
It’s over now; you lost; who gives a fuck
I don’t have time to soothe what has been hurt
Stop acting like your wheels are simply stuck

Your engine is your heart with fuel called blood
Give power to your life; your path is long
Don’t sit with spinning wheels in greasy mud
In broken hearts, the engine still is strong

It’s wrong to waste your time with petty shit
Don’t wait for life; go live it. This is it!

A Vision of Shopping for an Easter Dress

April 6th, 2012

I held a little rose, her soft, pink hand
She took two steps for every one of mine
We walked three blocks from Prince Street down to Grand
She made me read the names on every sign
We stopped in several shops to look at dolls
And several more to find an Easter dress
She asked me if I knew what “plams” were for
I told her that I couldn’t even guess
She smiled at my not knowing her new word
She gave my hand a squeeze then let it go
She fluttered to a window like a bird
Transfixed upon a pretty little bow
“Oh daddy, it’s the perfect shade of pink!”
“I love you daddy. Daddy, do you think . . .”

Read the rest of this entry »

The Immortality of Words

April 6th, 2012

My words will live forever; people die
I guess that makes my verse immortal words
But more than words or some immortal lie
My life unfolds in quatrains, like three thirds

The past, the present, future are my song
My final couplet waits within its rhyme
A sonnet for a life may not be wrong
Iambically, I mark my metered time

I turn to paths I’ve chosen from the start
On similes and metaphors, I tread
They bleed within the beating of my heart
They bleed until, allusively, they’re dead

With stacks of books, the graveyards have been filled
They live, and yet some verses should be killed.