Santa Bitch

December 6th, 2022
At Christmas a young man named Mitch
Was given some coal and a switch
He’d asked for some porn
He cried out, forlorn:
“This sucks! Santa Claus is a Bitch!”


December 6th, 2022

Some of you may have noticed the fact that I have devolved from writing sonnets lately, to indulging in limerick writing. It’s probably just a phase.



December 6th, 2022

Boy Scouts Will Be Boy Scouts

December 6th, 2022
By the scout camp a river ran near
Where girls skinny-dipped without fear
Two scouts on a hike
One Fred and one Mike
Climbed a rock: “You can see ‘em from here!”

The Benefits of Ganja

December 4th, 2022
Green bud can make smoke bluish-gray
Just inhale and then blow it away
Your head will be clear
And you won’t need to hear
The stuff stuffy people will say.

Dog On A Goat

December 3rd, 2022
There once was a dumb dog that tried
On the back of a farm goat to ride
The goat jumped and bucked
‘Til the doggy got chucked
So a rodeo might be implied.

The Cherub

December 2nd, 2022
There once was a cherub, undressed
Who did what he always thought best
He climbed up a tree
And leaned in to see
The music that came from the nest!

Jack the Dragon

December 2nd, 2022
There once was a dragon named Jack
With spikes in a ridge down his back
He chomped down a horse
That was ridden, of course
By a knight that he saved for a snack


December 1st, 2022
There was a young farmer named Bliss
Pursued by a pretty young miss
Though he pined for the field
He at last had to yield
She grabbed him and gave him a kiss.

How Durfwig Got Milled Flour Without Having Any Money

December 1st, 2022
His wife made a fire for heat
But still they had nothing to eat
So he traded his shoes
For flour to use
And then he walked home with bare feet