The Adoption of Caliban

October 7th, 2023
What father leaves his child with a witch?
By Setebos I curse the wretch to hell
The wretch will from humanity unhitch
The wretch becomes a story I must tell

By Setebos we live before we die
To live or die is often quite the same
Each life is but the telling of a lie
A lie which knows that truth is just a game

Play on, play on, we’ll die in wretched time
What father leaves his child with a witch?
By Setebos you recognize the crime
The players come and go; with you they switch

With Sycorax the witch you had your fun
Your Caliban exists in everyone.

Just a Sonneteer

September 24th, 2023

A parody of “Just a Gigolo”

I’m just a sonneteer and everything I hear
Little songs are words you’re buying
Paid for every rhyme, sometimes just a dime
Ooh, look at me cry

There may come a time when words no longer rhyme
What will they say about me?
The last couplet you hear
Makes me just a sonneteer
Fourteen lines define me

I’m just a sonneteer and everything I hear
Make sonnettics songs for buying
Paid for every rhyme, sometimes just a dime
Ooh, iambic cry

There may come a time when words no longer rhyme
What will they say about me?
The last couplet you hear
Makes me just a sonneteer
Fourteen lines define me. ‘cause

I ain’t got no free verse
No free verse poetry, no free verse
No free verse poetry
Iambs get so lonely
Lonely iambs, lonely iambs
Won’t some sweet quatrain come and take a chance or three?
‘Cause meter ain’t bad

Madam Figs Gala

September 8th, 2023


September 7th, 2023

Taco Simplicity

September 7th, 2023
As simple as a taco," people say 
When speaking of dichotomies of life 
The spices of this sentence tend to stay 
In simple flavors filled with ease and strife

The taco, a philosophy you eat 
Just look at the simplicity at hand 
It's folded in the middle, filled with meat
You'll find them fresh at any taco stand

And while the taco has a complex taste 
It's simply filled with all you hope to find 
In simple food too good to share or waste
Unless of course you've simply lost your mind!

A life that's lived like this is here to stay 
"As simple as a taco," so they say.


August 20th, 2023
At night I close my eyes and thus go blind
I hope when I wake up I’ll see the light
It seems I always do; I always find
My blindness only lasts throughout the night

Sometimes when I go blind I live my dreams
Sometimes the Mares of Night assault my peace
When I go blind, reality, it seems
Is lost as subtle fantasies increase

It’s only sight, they say; it’s just one sense
We all go blind at times; sometimes it’s choice
At times the thought of darkness is intense
At times it seems my blindness finds a voice

You see the noise that lingers in your mind?
The noise of darkened dreams proclaims me blind.

The Kilted Sonneteer

August 19th, 2023
It’s me you see the Kilted Sonneteer
My life is thus composed iambically
My feet are shod to take me far or near
I am a Kilted Sonneteer you see

A kilt to honor sonneteers of yore
Like Burns who dealt with bullshit from “the crown”
A tribute to the kilt he never wore
In dress or verse I’d never let him down

My songs are often metered by my kilt
My kilt a simple metaphoric line
Come look and see the sonnets I have built
The title “Kilted Sonneteer” is mine

And thus I share my sonnets far and near
Because I am The Kilted Sonneteer

Streams of Smoke

August 14th, 2023
I watch the streams of smoke as I exhale
They show me words I never knew I knew
They seem to know the breath they would regale
The breath, the smoke, a wispy grayish blue

The streams of smoke are remnants of a gift
A gift from Mother Earth who loves to give
I watch them rise above; I watch them lift
Above the earth, where stories often live

The stories of the smoke begets the streams
(Who says “begets” unless they’re fuckin’ high)
The stories fill the smoke with more than dreams
And dreams of smoke will lift us by and by

It makes no sense, these things of which we spoke
But sense is not the realm of streams of smoke.


August 9th, 2023

Faith: Because in a world which requires us to choose between fantasy and reality, sometimes it just feels good to lie to oneself.


August 4th, 2023