
 The thing about aesthetics is they live
Though no one knows exactly where they're born
They’ll take whatever praise you have to give
To take or give they haven’t been forsworn

Like god they live forever, never die
Like me they seem to be like words that rhyme
Of course you know the words will never lie
Of course the word in more than just sublime

Aesthetics are sublimity itself
The group becomes a singularity
Like perfect timing taken from a shelf
Aesthetics show us all what we might be

Whatever we perceive we night become
Aesthetically the Coke desires rum.
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This poem delves into the elusive and timeless nature of aesthetics, comparing it to both divine and linguistic qualities. Here's a breakdown of the key elements:

1. **Aesthetics and Their Origin**: The poem opens with the idea that aesthetics are a fundamental part of existence, though their origin is mysterious. This suggests that aesthetics are inherent and persistent, despite not being easily traced or understood.

2. **Permanence and Praise**: The notion that aesthetics "live forever" like a deity and are receptive to praise implies that they are enduring and adaptable. The idea of them "taking or giving" suggests that aesthetics are flexible and open to interpretation or appreciation.

3. **Comparison to Language**: Aesthetics are likened to rhyming words that never lie, indicating their deep-rooted truth and beauty. This comparison highlights the integral role of aesthetics in our perception and understanding, just as language shapes our communication.

4. **Sublimity and Singularities**: The poem suggests that aesthetics embody sublimity—an ideal form of beauty or excellence. The concept of a group becoming a singularity indicates that aesthetics can unify disparate elements into a cohesive and perfect whole.

5. **Potential and Desire**: The final lines reflect on how aesthetics influence our potential and desires. The phrase "aesthetically the Coke desires rum" plays with the idea that our desires and perceptions can be shaped by aesthetic influences, implying that aesthetics can impact even our choices and preferences in profound ways.

Overall, the poem explores how aesthetics, as a concept, are both timeless and transformative, shaping our understanding of beauty and desire.

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